27 April, 2024
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Ministry of
Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic
Dear site visitors and friends! Welcome to the official website of the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic! Sincerely, Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic Ayaz Baetov!

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+996 (312) 62-62-10 (+195)

Bishkek city, Avenue M.Gvardiy 32


Mo-Fr, 09:00-18:00


+996 (312) 65-10-10

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Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic

Address: г. Бишкек, проспект Молодой Гвардии 32
Telephone: +996 (312) 62-62-10 (+195)
e-mail: ep@minjust.gov.kg

Facebook: www.facebook.com/minjustKR/?fref=ts
Google Plus: /www.instagram.com/minjustkg_official/
ВКонтакте: /www.youtube.com/user/minjust1

Requisites of the Ministry of Justice: Recipient: Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic Special account l / сч special / account: 4402051103003656 code of payment: 14234900 Bank of BIC: 440001 Budget Account l / account of the budget account: 4402051101005759 Bank Central Treasury under the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic BIC: 440001 STI: 002 Leninsky district Tax ID: 01403197010012 OKPO Code: 00015711 Postal code: 720010 Registration. No. SFKR: 01-00088-15 Address: Bishkek city, Blvd. Young Guard 32 E-mail: ep@minjust.gov.kg

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What factors, in your opinion, hamper the development and establishment of a rule of law, in addition to corruption?

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